[Well, this is a bit risky for a post, but ..I feel like.. I must..]
My father has a very ..different..way to say things in English than most people. ..in fact not only have I never heard the type of pronunciation of English he has anywhere else, I've never heard a lexicon like his, or word-usages such as his elsewhere. ..for example(!): For some reason(?) every time he has to use the restroom he tells everyone "I have to go see George Bush" (well, that's what he's been saying the past eight years anyway..). When looking for reading material to take in he says "I can't go in without my files"(!) etc...
I happened to be passing the Waldorf hotel tonight just when I was frantically looking for a restroom, and I saw all the Television film crews, so in passing I asked them what was going on. They informed me that presidential nominees John McCain and Barack Obama were attending a dinner there (they were just leaving actually. I saw McCain!). But I was in such a hurry I told him "who cares about McCain or Obama, I have to see George Bush!
..I didn't really tell them, but, ; )
(Cardinal Edward Egan was also there, ..he asked me if I was doing anything tonight, but he lost interest when I told him I'm not Catholic..).
(Re-Nights in White Satin. Check out Ivri Lider's version.)
hey. I don't know what you're talking about by the way...
Then my Google Reader lied.
Black cows, red beans, Kenyan afternoons.
Now you're talking girl!!
Nevermind. You ARE really confused.... and I just realized why. Forget about the black cows. But Kenyan afternoons really aren't so bad. Good night.
(Okay, I realize you're not the sort who would get any of that, so I'll just explain shortly: Forget it all. I made a tiny mistake in counting boxes. Ya, I realize that still doesn't make sense to you. *shrugs*)
Wait, just got your other message.
Good job, Chriqs, learning how to play along. Making me proud.
I heard beans are good for your heart...
Why in the world do cows have different skin colors? Either way; they don't hate each other as a result..
Whoa, Shlomo. You're getting a bit too medical and philosophical. Contain yourself.
Beens being good for your heart was a joke, if you don't get it, it shows you weren't hanging out with the right kids in school...
Did I write 'beens'? You're right, I can't spell...you know how long it took me to learn to spell my last name correctly?!
Uh, I still think you're working on getting the spelling for your name right. Have you seen the way you spell it on this site, kid?
hahaha. ..how do you spell your last namr reachel? ; )..and I am not a kid!!
:P Kiddo.
That is really cool that you were by the hotel where they were having a dinner and saw MCcain.
Funny about "the president" story.
Rachel: somehow every conversation turns to animals by you!
Babysitter- What animals?
Rachel: cows, horses...
Ah. I only just scrolled through the comments and noticed the cows.
(Sorry, I had initially just looked at the top of the comments and seen Ivri Lider's name... I couldn't figure out what you meant.)
The cows, beans, and Kenya weren't really supposed to have any conversational significance. I only meant it to throw off Shlomo.
: P
Who in G-d's bloody hell is Ivri Lider by the way?
I had the same question
and Rachel, what's with the counting boxes?
Ivri Lider- Israeli singer.
Counting boxes- Too long to explain. Either way, it was just a matter of me misreading (or really, miscounting) something... which lead to all of this confusion.
Shavuah tov.
shrik, how'd u decide that hell is bloody?
ur post is really funny. i'm happy you left it up (re ur first line).
so, i'm trying to figure out if the cardinal invite happened. you're not the funny type so i'm assuming it did.
"how'd u decide that hell is bloody?"- Well, I'll tell you one thing my lady, folks aren't sitting around sipping margaritas basking in the warmth down there!
"so, i'm trying to figure out if the cardinal invite happened."- I only date people in the faith. Anyway, he didn't like the idea that I was 'shomer negia', so..
p.s. no margartias=bloody?? can someone help me out here?
"SHLOMO! YOU WERE FUNNY!"- Is that supposed to mean I never was before..?
Yes, I can help you: They only serve bloody maries down there. No margaritas, no scotch, not even a damn screwdriver! Now, I like bloody maries as much as the next bloke, but...let's just say you don't want to go to hell, ok?
I'm confused.
Shlomo: it didn't really happen? you made up the post?
No, the Waldorf thing happened. Carinal Eegan asking me out didn't! Seesh!
(..somehow I can imagine rachel and sabra getting a kick out of this!..)
Shomer negiah. Heehee.
I get a kick out of any of these comments-"conversations."
Shlomo: o, I had skipped over the "Cardinal Edward Egan" part, cause I didn't know who he was. Who is he?
ahh now I get it, the Cardinal isn't straight?
Cardnal Egan (Archdiocese of New York State) is asocited with the chilld-moleting scandal of the past couple of years in the Catholic Curch, though to be very honest, he himself has always done all he can to prevent it, and admonish thothe responsible (as far as we know).
Sorry about the spelling ("thothe"!)..
Shlomo: now that you mention it, I think I may have heard that before.
I hadn't even noticed the spelling till you pointed it out.
I noticed the spelling. I also noticed moleting and curch.
Sorry, I'm being snooty.
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